Hi and welcome to the ZEEGUNST OP 28HZ – “FREAKUENCY” event ticketing page.

You are here because you have been invited to the most exclusive New Year’s party on the planet. All artists for this event have been carefully selected and the guests even more so.


Wat Zeegunst op 28 maak wat dit is, is almal wat daar is buzz op dieselfde frequency. Daar is ‘n klomp faktore wat bydrae tot dit, die musiek, die ligging, maar bo alles die “freaks” wat sorg dat om elke tent-pen, agter elke shooter en in elke gesprek daar ietsie lê wat jy kan saamvat en vir altyd onthou! En net so is “Freakuency”gebore, Zeegunst op 28hz word gevoel, meer as gehoor!

Click here to book

Expect amazing artists and collaborations, piano concertos, great specials at the bar, amazing food and the best people in the world.
The line-up to be announced in due time…but you all know it will be good!


Die Agtergrond

‘n Legendariese nuwejaarspartytjie. Die kunstenaars is fyn uitgesoek, die gaste nog fyner. Die beste rock- en blues-musikante van Suid-Afrika tree hier op – en jy is gelukkig as jy genooi is. Diep weggesteek tussen die duine van Vleesbaai en Fransmanshoek se natuurreservaat, sit die vier Hanekom-broers se private vakansie-eiendom genaamd Zeegunst wat vir meer as ‘n dekade gasheer gespeel het vir een van die mees legendariese, geheime nuwejaarspartytjies.

In Desember 2017 het dié intieme partytjie ‘n nuwe huis gekry – om die hoek van Zeegunst – genaamd 28 en in 2020 het ons ‘n Republiek van ons eie geword. Net diegene wat al daar was sal verstaan.

As jy weet van ons, en jy weet waar ons is, is jy deel van ‘n baie spesiale familie en die feit dat jy die lees beteken die bg. is van toepassing tot jou. Kan nie wag om jou vriendelike gesig te sien nie.

Zeegunst op 28 T-shirts @ R270

Order your t-shirt when you book your ticket at

Our menu for the event

Clean up after yourself and others.

Rules, regulations, indemnity and deference:

1) Regulations and indemnity:

  • Attendees to this event do so at their own risk.
  • The owners and organisers will not be held responsible or accept any liability for any accidents, damage, loss or injury incurred.
  • By buying a ticket to this event you waiver any claim whatsoever.
  • In the case that you cannot attend this years’ event after purchasing a ticket your ticket will be deferred to next year.  No refunds will take place but you are secured of your place at the 2023 New Year’s festival.

2) Rules

  • The Republic of 28 has zero tolerance for: People with bad attitudes, high maintenance people or anyone who does not respect the rules on the property. The main rule is, anything Bally says, goes.
  • No animals allowed.
  • DO NOT speed on the dirt road
  • There is a very intricate sewerage system on the property, DO NOT flush any sanitary products or wet wipes! This is VERY important as we will literally be sitting in shit if you do.
  • You are allowed to bring your own drinks and food but there is a cash bar on site as well as a day-to-day menu to pre-order meals. Orders to be in by 02 December.
  • The kitchen is for communal use, unless the kitchen staff are busy preparing the pre-ordered meals for the day, then stay out of their way. NB! ALL persons are responsible for their own dishes, anyone who does not work as a team or who does not look after their own ‘dirtiness’ will be ejected.
  • NO FIRES except in the allocated braai area.

3) Ticket price – R600 pp 

  • Your ticket is your access to Zeegunst op 28 anytime from 28 December 2022 until 01 January 2023. You are allowed to book for yourself and the allocated amount of people to your email address (this can be negotiated with Jessica – jessica@tobc.co.za)
  • No refunds, so if you book and cannot make it for an accepted, valid reason your ticket gets deferred to next year (2023).
  • Meals are not included in the ticket price.


4) Meals

  • You will have the option of pre-booking your meals for every day from 28 December – 1 January.
  • Breakfast is R90 pp and will be served from 08:30 every morning.
  • Dinners range from R120 – R200pp and will be served from 18:30
  • ALL MEAL ORDERS are to be placed no later than 02 December 2022.
  • Read carefully when booking your tickets and meals and make sure you select the correct dates.

For any inquiries, please email jessica@tobc.co.za

Ticket sales close by 02 December 2022.


If a friend sent you a link to this page, but you don’t have an official invite yet, click here to register